Our publications

We write a variety of documents that show how we work together to make East Sussex safer.

Safer Communities Partnership Business Plan


The Partnership ambition is to make East Sussex a safer place to live for everyone.

We are committed to working collaboratively across the statutory and voluntary sectors to reduce and prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, support the victims of crime, protect our most vulnerable residents, and create more inclusive and resilient neighbourhoods and communities. We will achieve this through raising awareness, through co-production and collaboration, and through driving wider policy change.

The joint strategic priorities of the agencies that make up the Safer Communities Partnership are:

•    In identifying those at risk of harm, workstreams range from preventing people from being drawn into violent extremism to reducing the harms associated with drug and alcohol misuse.

•    In protecting vulnerable people, workstreams range from improving online safety to disrupting modern slavery and protecting people from domestic and sexual violence and abuse. 

•    In keeping communities safe, workstreams range from improving road safety to reducing public place serious violence.

To find out more please read our Safer Communities Partnership Business Plan

In addition to the Safer Communities Board there are four local Community Safety Partnerships in East Sussex.  Each of these partnerships publish a plan to address the issues raised in their local area.   These plans can be found on their websites.

•    Safer Wealden Partnership 
•    Eastbourne and Lewes Community Safety Partnership 
•    Safer Hastings Partnership 
•    Safer Rother Partnership 

Safeguarding Adults 

The Partnership Protocol 2021 - 22  sets out the commitment to collaborative working across these strategic partnership boards.  These partnerships are committed to ensuring that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and to working together at every level to keep people in East Sussex safe from harm and abuse and improve their health and wellbeing.

Keeping Safe

Leaflet for young people around knife crime and exploitation.

Leaflet for parents/carers around knife crime and criminal exploitation.

If you require an accessible version(s) of the kepping safe leaflets please contact lucy.spencer@eastsussex.gov.uk  

Domestic Homicide Reviews

Domestic Homicide Reviews are a way to improve our local coordinated community response. Looking at the death of a person aged 16+ as a result of domestic violence and abuse, they aim to: understand what happened; identify where agency responses could be improved; learn lessons including how agencies work together; identify how to improve responses; and to prevent something similar happening to others in the future.

For more information on local reviews please see our Domestic Homicide Review page.

Pan Sussex Strategic Framework for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse, and Violence Against Women and Girls 2020-2024

In Sussex, our commitment is a partnership of agencies, working together to provide robust, accessible and supportive services to those experiencing violence and abuse.
We want to see an end to violence against women and girls, domestic and sexual violence and abuse in Sussex to keep people safe. We are committed to preventing violence and abuse, improving the support and protection for victims and their children, and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

Pan Sussex Strategic Framework for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse, and Violence Against Women and Girls 2020-2024 PDF

Domestic abuse accommodation and support strategy

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 requires local authorities to publish a strategy setting out how they will protect and assist survivors of domestic abuse in safe accommodation. In Sussex we have developed a strategy that covers East and West Sussex and Brighton & Hove. We believe the strategy will make a real difference to the lives of survivors and their children.

Over 70 stakeholders, professionals, service providers and survivors took part in engagement meetings to inform a needs assessment. This helped us to understand current provision, and identify gaps and opportunities for improving the offer. In response to the findings of the needs assessment we have identified six strategic priorities, which are:

  • Consistent and collaborative - Promoting multi-agency and partnership commissioning and working to ensure a consistent offer across Sussex.
  • Diverse and appropriate - Providing a wide range of appropriate safe accommodation and support options.
  • Accessible and inclusive - Ensuring services are accessible to all victims/survivors and meet the specific needs of those with the full range of protected characteristics.
  • Responsive - Establishing specialist provision to support victims/survivors with multiple complex needs.
  • Victim-centred - Empowering victims/survivors through expanding choices and enabling more victims/survivors to remain in their own homes.
  • Trauma-informed - Embedding trauma-informed practice in services and processes through training and specialist knowledge.

Pan-Sussex Strategy for Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support 2021-2024 PDF 15.8 mb

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the draft strategy and give us your feedback. Feedback from the public consultation informed how we finalised the strategy, which we were able to approve and submit to national government at the start of January 

Page last updated: June 2024

Members of the Safer Communities Partnership