Latest news of the Safer Communities Partnership

Keeping our community safe from knife crime.

Knife crime has tragic consequences to the victim, loved ones and the local community. East Sussex is a safe place to live, but we recognise the importance of taking proactive action to keep East Sussex safe and feeling safe.

Some young people carry a knife because they are worried about becoming a victim of knife crime. Unfortunately, carrying a knife only increases their chance of becoming hurt. The easiest and most common place for young people to get a knife is from the family home. If you think something isn’t quite right then consider other less obvious warning signs, including: 

- They have become withdrawn.
- Their school or college is reporting worrying changes in their behaviour, or their grades have suddenly dropped.
- They have lost interest in hobbies and are vague about their movements.
- They have changed their group of friends, perhaps to an older network.
- Suddenly secretive about their belongings.

There are other reasons why young people might exhibit these behaviours that are not knife relate, but if you spot any of the above, talk to them now. Discuss their views on knife crime, and whether they would ever consider carrying a knife. Discover if they feel safe when they go out, and if not, why not?

Where to get help:

If you have information about knife crime or the people behind it, speak to Crimestoppers.
They never ask for your personal details, just what you know about crime. 
Tell them what you know and stay 100% anonymous. Always. Call 0800 555 111 or visit

Help in your local area – Contact East Sussex County Council for local parenting support.

Families can help each other – Speak to the families of your child’s friends. If you’re worried, chances are they have concerns about their child too. Working together can be a valuable way to look out for each other and help keep your children safe.

Family Lives offers a confidential and free helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call them on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support and guidance on all aspects of parenting and family life.

Members of the Safer Communities Partnership