1. Safe in East Sussex
  2. Professionals
  3. Refer to Prevent - professionals

Refer to Prevent - professionals

This information is for professionals. If you are a member of the public, see Preventing violent extremism.

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the UK counter-terrorism strategy. It happens before any criminal activity takes place.  It works with people who are at risk of adopting extreme views in support of terrorist groups.

A referral to Prevent’s support programme, Channel, helps guide the person away from danger. It provides practical support tailored to their needs. This can include mentoring or counselling.

The scheme is confidential and voluntary.

For advice on making a Prevent referral, email channel@eastsussex.gov.uk

How to refer to Prevent

The e-learning at Prevent duty training | GOV.UK can guide you with tips to make an effective referral. 

Prevent in East Sussex

A partnership of organisations delivers Prevent in East Sussex. These include East Sussex County Council, police, education and the NHS.

Our aims are to:

  • challenge extremist beliefs
  • disrupt those who promote extremism
  • support people recruited by extremists
  • support communities to resist extremism

Further resources

Educate against hate provide a toolkit for schools and youth groups.

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